Our School offers...
A modern computer program to each grade, including wireless laptops and Smartboards
Breakfast Program beginning at 7:30
Afterschool available until 6:00pm
A newly renovated Library
Middle States Accredidation
Music Program and Choir
Art Program
Archdiocesan School Lunch Program
Full day Pre-Kindergarten for 3 and 4 years old
Full day Kindergarten
Grades 1 to 8
Sacramental Preparation Classes in Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, and Confirmation
Gym Program
An experienced and highly qualified teaching staff
Did you know that...
98% of our students attend Catholic high schools
A high percentage of our students receiving Levels 3's and 4's on New York StateTests.
Our standardized test scores are among the highest of all the Bronx Catholic Elementary Schools.
Our Religion Archdiocesan test scores are well above average
We offer Title I resource room for Math and Reading.
Guidance Counselor on the premises
We have an Annual Science Fair.
We have seasonal School Performances