- Mrs. Carpanella

GRADE 1: Ms. Dundon

GRADE 2: Ms. Martin

GRADE 3: Ms. Constantino

GRADE 4: Throughout the school year, the fourth grade works hard to develop effective skills needed to prepare them for the state exams.

- Mrs. Solano

GRADE 5: The Fifth grade has been exploring the exciting beginnings of our nation. We are amateur scientists, budding mathematicians, and students of the Golden Rule.  We are trying to find God in all things 

We recently visited The Cloisters museum, where we saw beautiful Christian and medieval artwork.  The students were given a wonderful tour of the majestic museum and learned a great deal about art, history, and religion.  

- Mrs. Marutollo

Grade 6: Mr. Casaccio

GRADE 7: We are  studying the sacraments and preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

- Ms. Victor

GRADE 8: Mr. Lowe